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Project Objective

The objective of this assignment was to create a poster that envisioned the meaning of equality. The poster had to encourage the public to change or improve a certain behavior and/or create awareness.

Design Process

I chose to do an equality poster that represented Feminism and attracted men to be a part of this movement.

The first step was to create a brief description of what Equality means and what it means to me. After that we created different slogans and illustrations.

Lastly I created an interactive poster that also used the main idea but had some sort of movement and gave life to the "Dude with sign". We also created an app icon for this poster and a sticker. 



I decided to use the meme "Dude with sign" as a fun image and also because of it's familiarity. I  used a meaningful slogan "Men of quality don't fear equality" What I wanted to do was create consciousness while also grabbing the viewers attention towards the message, that is why I applied movement to the poster and the guy passing in front of the dude with sign, that also represented men just walking by and not wanting to be a part of the feminist movement. 

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